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Learn why companies are rapidly moving to next generation UX video collaboration

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Today, a video collaboration platform must offer next-gen UX design, with immersive features and a rich, gamified GPU-centric experience all within a secure and unified virtual meeting solution for web and mobile. Does yours?

Step away from legacy video conferencing and into a more efficient, secure and engaging collaboration experience for your teams and clients.

cordoniq call

Cordoniq uniquely provides:

More video ‘faces’ displayed on the device

Smoother quality of real-time rendering

Higher quality, resolution and FPS

Custom gamification specific to your organization’s requirements

Better experience on lower-end and older devices

More easily integrate other platform concepts (AR, VR, AI)

Blend of 2D and 3D visual experiences

GPU-capable coding and rendering (Neon, ARM)

SIMD, Neon, SSE and MMX optimizations, Intel and ARM assembly

Your clients and teams deserve easy to use and engaging video collaboration. Learn about:

The power and efficiency that a GPU-centric approach to video collaboration can offer to companies and users

More immersive user experiences with Cordoniq

Versatility and flexibility for today’s collaborative remote and hybrid work environments

Secure and adaptive collaboration experiences that can be fully customized to meet your specific industry needs

Incorporating AR, VR, AI for 2D and 3D, realistic experiences

How next-gen UX will provide higher quality content sharing, including high resolution and efficient rendering for real-time user experiences


With next-gen UX design, Cordoniq is uniquely positioned to blend extended reality concepts and gamified solutions into a unified product offering to get your company up to speed with secure video collaboration.

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At Cordoniq, our software engineering team specializes in helping your organization build live, interactive collaboration experiences that integrate with your existing APIs, products and services.

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